Thursday, May 10, 2007

Route 6 Plane Crash

On April 22, 2007, at about 1530 or 3:30pm, we had a plane crash on the side of RT 6, about 2 miles from the fire house. The plane was a Piper PA-23, with twin engines. The plane took off from Long Island, New York. The plane nose-dived into the trees and burst into flames about 50 feet from RT 6 which was busy traffic.

The plane burst into flames and started a brush fire. 4 to 5 foot flames were racing to a near by building, with tractors and other equipment with a high fuel load. ET 102 stopped at the hydrant and fed water to the fire line. Engine 103 foamed the plane with North Windham members on the line.

The preliminary report is that wind was the cause of the crash.

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