Sunday, September 19, 2010

Drill in Mansfield

A drop tank in the road with Engine Tank 507 drafting out of it. ET 103 dumping 2500 gallons of water.

Two of Mansfield's fire fighters overseeing the burn. Manning a 2 1/2 inch line with a smooth bore tip.

Smoke pushing from the upper windows and the garage started going.

All fire now, the house fell in on itself in the next 20 minutes.

No, it's not a black eye, just some ash from my glove.

Water Holes

A hydrant next to the pond- there is a sign on the hydrant that says it's for training. If the sign came off or at night it may be mistaken as a working hydrant to an out of town engine company.

See the red dry hydrant in the background.

A good pond to get water from until someone working at the pond put a rock in the way and blocked the access to it. The sign in the background says boat launch.

Two dry hydrants at this pond, can't see the pond and can't see the pipes for the hydrant. Need a bright color or a weed wacker.

A good water hole- a nice 8" pipe that's goes to a 6" female thread. The downfall is it may be too high if it is higher than the pump intake, you will have a hard time getting a draft.

What is wrong with these pictures?

A dry hydrant that you would have a hard time to get to with the trees and fence in front of it.

I like the sign next to the dry hydrant beware of the dog- is that for the firemen? May be hard to test yearly.

A good water hole to hit. This water is free. The water behind the gate is not. But it's the same water hole.

There are two of these next to the bridge, one across from each other- but the 45 degree angle off the pipe makes for a hard hook up and the river is so low its not in the water.

Day time drill at South Windham fire dept

North Windham working with the South Windham tool

South Windham members working with North Windham's tool.
Working together to get the job done with tools that are in town.

All the doors are off. Used auto cribbing too.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Airplane drill on the walking trail

The ambulance staging area

Hampton/Chaplin ambulance and tech unloading a patient off the North Windham gator
Lebanon fire dept gator with a patient that has a wood stick coming out of her leg

Scotland fire chief teching a patient

Windham Hospital Medic looking over the smart tag that was on the patient
that came in to the ambulance loading area

Medic 131 working over the smart card on the patient

Two car mva in front of post office RT 6

Car vs Truck in front of the post office. One car was rear ended and spun the car around into the guard rail and came back out and hit the truck that hit her in the rear.

156 Bedlam Road barn fire

North Windham started to Chaplin on Bedlam Rd for a barn fire. Engine and Engine Tanker were on scene in 4-5 min and went to work. North Windham had 10 firefighters working.

Firefighters from North Windham working to vent the roof of the barn.

The barn had a wood stove in it that may have started the fire. The barn was part of a honey bee "farm". One of the hazards that the fire dept ran into was the barn had solar panels on the

Two car mva with fire

A truck and car hit in front of Airport Rd and Boston Post Rd. The truck drove about 200 feet down the road and on to the sidewalk into the fence and started on fire.
The driver side that was hit, also the fuel tank side.